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Mastering Significant Figures

Course Description:

Understanding Significant Figures is crucial for maintaining accuracy and precision in pharmaceutical industry. By applying the rules and principles outlined in this micro learning module, you can confidently use Significant Figures in the GMP environment and produce reliable data. Keep practicing and refining your skills, and you'll become adept at handling Significant Figures in no time!

Learning Outcome:

  • Understand what are Significant Figures and their importance in a GMP environment
  • Understand and apply the rules for addition and subtraction when working with Significant Figures
  • Understand and apply the rules for multiplication and division when working with Significant Figures

Course Features

Modules : 3
Duration : 1 Hour(s)
Language : English
Assessment : Self
Skill Level : Entry

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Course Content(s)

Understanding Significant Figures (TBSN0102)

In this module, you will learn about Significant Figures, why they are important in scientific measurements, and how to use them correctly in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Significant Figures are crucial for maintaining precision and accuracy in the GMP environment.

Significant Figures - Addition and Subtraction (TBSN0202)

This module provides a detailed understanding of the rules for addition and subtraction when working with significant figures.

Significant Figures - Multiplication and Division (TBSN0302)

This module provides a detailed understanding of the rules for multiplication and division when working with significant figures.

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